Monday, January 5, 2009

Potty training is a breeze!

So, we weren't in any hurry to potty train Nate. I decided long ago that we would do it when he was good and ready... even if that meant he wore diapers to kindergarten (not really). When, at 2 years 9 months of age he informed me that he had to go pee on the way home from grammie's house but couldn't do it in his diaper, I decided it was time. It took exactly 3 days to do it. He had a couple of accidents the first few days and then it was smooth sailing. We still use a diaper at night but it is big boy undies all day long, including nap time. I am so proud of him. Poop wasn't even an issue. He doesn't like public bathrooms and still needs that little potty seat on top of the big boy seat (diego is our lil seat he uses). He is willing to try the big seat once in a while but he feels like he's going to fall through, who could blame him?! So, I carry diego everywhere we go, which isn't too bad considering how well he has done!
Just a side note... Nate has always been a great sleeper. In fact, to this day, he will not get out of bed until I go get him. He will just sit in his bed and read or play with his cars until I come in. Lately, he hasn't been taking his regular nap, which is about 2-2 1/2 hours everyday. He will just lay in his bed and read or play with his cars for the entire time until I get him. Is that crazy or is this normal for an almost 3 year old? Either way, I sure feel blessed because it means I get to rest/try to nap while he's in there. Thanks Nate the Great!

Pregnancy sucks

O.K., I just need to gripe for a minute and then I'll concede to the fact that this pregnancy is truly a miracle and a blessing... blah, blah, blah! I can't sleep for more than 1 1/2-2 hours at a time, I wake up at least 4 times a night for 30 min to 2 hours at a time, my braxton hicks contractions last all day instead of for a few minutes at a time, I'm huge and have to roll my big but out of bed or off the couch, none of my "small" maternity clothes I wore throughout my pregnancy with Nate fit, I'm still nauseous (but at least it isn't all day everyday like it was with Nate), I have a bad cough and everytime I cough I pee, did I mention I'm huge? Nathan asked me yesterday if "I could play with him when the baby came out". Poor kid. I'm just so exhausted all the time that I don't have the energy to play with him. He has been really patient but has decided that he doesn't want to be a big brother after all. What am I supposed to say to that? Hopefully he'll change his mind someday!
I think we've decided to name this little blessing "Samuel". I just can't wait to meet him and be done with this pregnancy business. Why can't we do it like cats and be done in 9 weeks!?!?