Saturday, June 28, 2008

"My pee pee broke!"

So, I don't know about other moms but I made the decision long ago that I was not going to slay the potty training dragon until Nate was good and ready! Yeah, there's a lot of pressure out there, you hear things like lil Mikey was potty trained at 2 and lil Clarissa was at 18 months but I refuse(d) to succumb just for the bragging rights. Honestly, it's just not worth the energy. So, we have had the lil potty seat sitting out by the big one for several months, just so Nate could get used to it. Hadn't showed much interest at all until yesterday. It was a big day in the Munoz household! He wanted to go pee pee so I took off his diaper and he went... once he saw the excitement that a lil pee pee produced, and the 2 mini marshmallows he received, he decided to go poo poo. In fact, he pinched that puppy off 7 times so that he could keep getting marshmallows (tmi?). That kid is too smart for his own good! Anyway, he wanted to go this morning too but wasn't able to go. I know this because he came into the family room and informed me that his "pee pee broke"! Fortunately, everything is fine and it isn't broke... Nate was very relieved! We also transitioned to the big boy room/bed and he did awesome. I was all prepared for the Supernanny up/down/out of bed/in bed/one more sip/hug/kiss marathon but he just went to bed like normal. It's been a big couple of days! I've always heard how lil boys love their mommies. Well, I got a taste of that today at Chili's. We were eating lunch, like usual, when he reached up, put his arm around me and proclaimed that I was "his sweetheart and he loved me". My life is now complete!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tag, you're it!

Apparently, we have been tagged by Lauren so I get to tell you 10 things about Nate!
1. Gentle and loving
I know all moms probably say this about their kids but I'm going to say it anyway. He is the most gentle and loving soul I know. He is just so sweet and gentle with everyone. I especially love to see him with his lil cousin, baby Blake. Here he is with his first girlfriend, Carly.
2. Sensitive
I started taking Nate to Tina's house (inhouse daycare) for a couple of hours a week when he was about 8 months old. (Side note: we absolutely love Tina and feel so blessed to have her in our lives). We have since increased that to 1 full day a week (so mommy and daddy can have some time together sans child). She would always comment on how tough he was. Like any lil boy he would rough and tumble, fall on his head and never cry. But, if another child hurts his feelings, the tears flow. It is so endearing and sweet. Of course I want to kill the lil @$*! that isn't nice to my lil Nate but I refrain!
3. Loves animals, especially his "Max"
Nate loves animals, especially his dog Max. I feel bad for Max sometimes because his a getting old and I think Nate drives him a little crazy. But, Max is very patient and has let Nate have his way with him since the day he was born. Max just sighs and moans and tries to hide... poor Max!
4. Very picky eater (what toddler isn't?)
Picky? Until the age of 14 months he would eat anything but peas. Then one day he decided he didn't like anything but mac & cheese, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, fruit, and cereal. Now he won't even eat mac & cheese. At times it makes me want to scream but most times I just let it go. We have to pick our battles carefully, right? This just isn't a battle I'm willing to fight right now! Mercy! He's going to turn into a chicken nugget!
5. Very polite
Nate is almost 2 1/2 years old and has been saying please, thank you, and excuse me for several months now. I love it! He isn't 100% and needs a little reminding now and then but he knows when it is appropriate and necessay to use his manners (even if he chooses not to). Thanks to Lauren B. he's been saying "May I please have..." for months!!
6. Trains and cars are his favorite toys
I don't know about the other moms out there, but my 2 year old wants my undivided attention 24/7. I have "mom guilt" because I don't want to play with him 24/7. Is that terrible? I love him to death but I can only play cars, trains, hide and seek, and "scary giant in the tent" so many times. Here's where we thank Lauren B. AGAIN! She introduced us to geotrax and hours of entertainment for Nate, sans Mom. Geotrax rocks!!
7. Loves to read and sing
I've been singing and reading to Nate since the day he was born. I'm beginning to rethink this approach after 2 1/2 years of the same 4-5 songs 2 times a day x 861 days. I love Amazing Grace, Nate loves Amazing Grace... but if I have to sing it one more time I'm going to cry! :-) He has heard that song so many times that he can sing the first 2 verses. Everytime we go down for a nap or bedtime he wants Amazing Grace, Frosty the Snowman, You are my sunshine, Santa claus is coming to town, Twinkle little star, and Bushle and a peck. Now and then he'll request Jesus loves me, just to mix things up I guess! We love Dr Seuss books and his favorite one is "Are you my mother". He will "read" it to me, turning the pages and regurgitating the story almost verbatim. It is soooo cute!
8. Sooo smart
(See number 7) And, he can sing the ABC song, and count to 15! I'm so proud!
9. Doesn't like ants
So, one day Nate came running in from the backyard yelling about "them bite me". I ran out to see what all the ruckus was about and realized that he thought the ants were going to bite him. I didn't know where he got this idea because he never had a problem with the ants before. Well, after a little investigating, it turns out Pop pop told him that ants bite last time they visited us. Hopefully, Nate will get past this before preschool or kindergarten cause those kids are going to eat him alive if he is still scared of ants!
10. Loves to talk on the phone
This should be up there at the top of the list. My kid loves to talk on the phone. He calls Nammie and Nana almost everyday and has a real conversation with them on the phone. He frequently asks if he can call Uncle Steven, Uncle Abba, Aunt J.J., and Lauren B. Crazy kid! It's probably because we don't get to see our family very often so that is how we stay connected! I'd love to get the phones with the video feed someday!
11. wait there's one more... discriminating
Nate is very discriminating... about everything from people to food. He doesn't just warm up to anyone and gives you the once over before he makes his mind up about you. I love this quality about him!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mommy Break

Daddy took Nate to his Nana and Pop pops until Tuesday. Believe it or not, this is the first time in over 2 years that I have been home alone without that lil guy. Although I miss him, without a doubt, it was really nice to sit at home with absolute quiet and do whatever I wanted to do last night. Now, it may not sound glamorous to most, but I scrubbed my kitchen floors, cleaned the house, and reorganized my office... without ANY interruptions. It was amazing! Granted, I've called him 3 times in the last 24 hours, just to hear his sweet lil voice and to hear him say "Hi mommy", the greatest sound in the world! I woke up this morning and just stayed in bed for an extra 20 minutes and leisurely got up to start my day. That may not sound like much to a lot of people, but I know all the mommies out there can relate. I miss you Nate but thank Nana and Pop pop for the mommy break! I am counting the minutes until Tuesday but I am doing so in a clean, quiet house!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Santa Barbara with Lauren and "Syssa" (a.k.a. Alyssa)

Nate and I went on an overnight trip to Santa Barbara with Lauren and Alyssa. What a fabulous time we had! Our trip started with a visit to the Santa Barbara Zoo where we saw flamingos, fed a giraffe, and counted lots of turtles! Nate is still talking about the giraffe's "sticky tongue". After the zoo we went swimming at our hotel (the Mar Monte), in the pool which we could see from our ocean view room. Day 2 started with breakfast at a great cafe, a ride down the bike path along the beach in our "Suri", playing at a nearby park and the beach, and ended with a lil shopping spree at the Camarillo outlets. It was a spontaneous trip but I can't imagine being able to plan a better one. Lauren and I joked about how the bar has been set pretty high for any future trips... but I'm willing to give it another try anyway

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

We celebrated Memorial Day today with Uncle Steven and Nammie. We go every year because we think it is really important to celebrate our veterans, especially since Uncle Steven is a veteran of the army. Nate loved the music and waving his flag. It was a beautiful ceremony! We also got to see Aunt J.J. and Baby Blake (Nate's lil cousin). As you can see, Nate is a lil lover and he loves his lil cousin (whether Blake likes it or not). The Memorial Day weekend wouldn't be complete without a BBQ. So, we trekked over to Great Aunt Cheryl's and Steve's house for hot dogs and hamburgers! The view from their home is beautiful... here is a shot of Nate enjoying the roses in their backyard! It was a great weekend! We love every opportunity we get to see our family! Here are a couple of shots of Nate with Unlce Steven and Nammie! He snuck in and woke up Nammie, with a banana in hand (one of his favorite foods)!